A remote chill woke him
surrounded by an obscure atmosphere,
bewildered by an inner fear.
He felt himself in a dream
between sleep and awake;
where his horrors and his fears
combine into one greater sphere.
He stood against the dreary passage
that called to him in a profound undertone.
Through his skin crept a glorious devastation
a persistent suffocation.
Seeking amity he took the long obscure path
that seemed to devour him.
Frightened by the mere echo of his cries
wishing to find himself in this puzzling maze,
he searched in vain.
A restless fear that grew louder by the minute
brought him to his knees.
Within the vast obscurity of his solitude
he yearned, aspired companionship.
Just as he felt the solid grip of madness
and the final overthrow of helplessness;
a harmony enveloped him.
He sighed away a revelation of truth,
a comprehension of reality.
He accepted his fate and peace
as the sole and final end of his existence.
And the obscure atmosphere
that once shook him,
welcomed him back home.